
Averted Eyes

I've removed the "midnight" affect have attempted to create some consistency in the faces.  What a bear!  Lots of different light under the umbrella; noon; shadows. 


Ken Bryant said...

It's a lovely shot, but, for my taste, over-processed. The lighting doesn't look "impossible" at all. Can we see what it looks like without the "midnight" effect?

J. Evan Kreider said...

I prefer this version--more information. I also like the way everything focuses on the glass (or on the other side of the glass). Eyes are diverted, for some people can be uneasy serving and being served. The white arm obviously leads us to the invisible focus in the photo, as does the shadow on the shirt and the pillar behind the man in black.

Ken Bryant said...

Lovely! I really like this shot.

Tony Funk said...

Thanks gentlemen for the constructive advice. As they say in the vernacular, "this website rocks." Have a good eve.